Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1984 Blog #1

What are the Party mottos? What is unusual about them?

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Their mottos are complete contrasts and they contradict each other. They are oxymorons by our society’s standards.

What is Newspeak? What is its purpose?

It’s the language that the people in Oceania now use instead of the traditional Oldspeak. In the Newspeak words are shorter and less descriptive. The whole purpose is to control people even more because they won’t be able to commit thoughtcrime when using Newspeak.

Why is it essential for the Party to rid the language of synonyms and antonyms?

Again the whole point of Newspeak is control. Synonyms and antonyms eliminate all words except one word from a feeling/etc. In this way, thoughcrimes couldn’t even be possible and people wouldn’t have to be “vanished”. People couldn’t even comprehend rebellion.

How does the Party control history? Why?

They have workers who go into the old newspapers, documents, etc. and change records so that they fit the propaganda that Big Brother is currently representing. They also destroy records of people who were “vanished” and sometimes create people. The history is altered so that people always believe that Big Brother is right and their lies become the truth.

Who is Emmanuel Goldstein and how is he presented to the people of Oceania?

He is a leader of the opposition of Big Brother. His face is used in the “Two Minute Hate” where people are forced to watch his speeches against Big Brother and taught to hate him. He is shown as a sheep in Oceania and at the end of the “Two Minute Hate” his face is shown baaing.

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