Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I’m torn because I wish it was just as easy as being allies with every country. But if I had to choose, I would say that Mr. Freedberg had the stronger argument. It’s not that we shouldn’t work with them, but it seems almost impossible and pointless to do that right now with Mr. Freedberg’s view. The country is so foreign to us and we couldn’t possibly chase out every single terrorist and “it would take limitless manpower to comb Pakistan’s mountainous badlands and sprawling cities”. We are so unfamiliar with their culture and terrain that it would be near impossible.

Also, maybe we need to take into account that most locals don’t want to be our allies. Like Mr. Freedberg said, “the locals developed a deep resentment of the United States”. Maybe it would be better to work through the United Nations than working country to country because we have to take into account that they might not want to work with us. It might be better to let it come with time, if it ever does, than forcing the issue now when it can lead to resentment.

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